Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Downtown Miami Rentals

Downtown Miami real estate rentals are up, as in every other city in Florida.  Potential tenants need to know that not too many homeowners in the Miami rental market are willing to negotiate prices. The prices that are listed are mostly firm so as a suggestion from an experienced Downtown Miami Realtor if you can't afford the listing price do not even bother viewing it. Of course, you can always negotiate the price but make sure that you can afford the listing price not to be disappointed. 

The average price in the area is $1200 for a loft unit at Loft2 in Downtown Miami, this is a studio with an average of 650 square feet, in other buildings such as 50 Biscayne the average price is $1400 for the same square footage. The Ivy, also located in Downtown Miami average price for 750 square feet is $1450. When looking for a two bedroom unit the prices rise to $1600+ average. Many potential tenants think that because of such high real estate inventory in the Downtown Miami area that the prices are lower but in reality, they are not. Many homeowners and tenants are being forced out of their homes due to foreclosures and many need to rent, this brings the demand for rentals to a new level.

Be honest about what you can afford, this way you will not be disappointed.

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