Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Miami Dade Property Taxes

It's amazing how many homeowners seem to be paying higher property taxes than they should. Where I live at Loft2 in Downtown Miami, I see property taxes as high as $4000. I understand that if the property is not owner occupied the taxes would be higher but not this high, especially when the values have decreased significantly! It's sad that so many homeowners in the Miami Dade County area, do not actually fight these tax rates or are not aware that they are so high. Homeowners, whether investors, or primary residents, need to be aware of the market values, especially during the changing market that we are all experiencing. Many homeowners are experiencing financial difficulties and just lowering their properties taxes will make a difference.

I read an article in the USA TODAY where it states:
From Florida beachfronts to Nevada deserts, fed-up homeowners are challenging property tax bills that have stayed high despite the housing crisis. Retiree Carol Schneider, 63, of Ferguson, Mo., never saw herself as a tax rebel: "In the past, I just paid my taxes whether I agreed with them or not," she says. "But the last tax bill increased so much ... I decided to fight it." She prevailed, persuading St. Louis County to cut her tax bill in half.
Homeowners need to start educating themselves and start looking at the numbers. If you believe that your property taxes are high do as Carol Schneider did, fight for your rights! My friend, also fought her taxes in Miami Dade County, it took her a long time to get a hearing, she felt frustrated with the county clerks that she encountered but she moved forward and her case was heard. I myself, fought my property taxes in Broward County two years in a row and yes, they were lowered and this was on an investment property.
My suggestions: Read your tax bill, ask a local realtor to check the sales and give you the market value for that year, get your gear together and fight! We need to let the property appraisers office know that we do know what is going on, that we are educated.

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